Since I’m a bit bored at the moment and I don’t get enough opportunity to devote myself to the beautiful erotic things in life, I would like to talk about a strange email exchange I had with a gentleman yesterday and today 🀯.

After my first reply, the gentleman wanted to know what’s included in my rates. What’s the right answer to such a question πŸ€”? Should I reply with some kind of long “list” that not only lacks any eroticism – at least for my personal perception – but where some “list items” could also simply be unintentionally forgotten, because I am not thinking about each and every piece? Should I put together some kind of “menu” from which someone can then order the things he has an appetite for?

I replied: “You are very welcome to tell me your wishes and I will then tell you whether I can fulfill them. You can also find my preferences and taboos on my website, e.g. on the info and FAQ page “.

I guess, someone who has certain wishes for a date should be able to communicate them, and this would certainly be easier than waiting for some “list” that either contains things that are of no interest to the client (for example, not everyone is interested in role-playing or dominant/submissive adventures, which I also love to indulge in) or in which I have unintentionally forgotten to mention something the gentleman would actually be interested in.

So instead of just telling me his wishes, the gentleman wrote something about “A pig in a poke can be bought cheaper” and “A cat is a cat” and “No face as a photo, no explanations of performance, cryptic announcements, and self-loving fee claims …”.

I am now disregarding the cat topic, in any case I have never read the word “cat” so often at once 🀣. In German we also don’t say “buy a pig in a poke”, we say “buy a cat in the sac” and the interaction with this gentleman was in German.

But what is cryptic about the statement “You are very welcome to tell me your wishes and I will then tell you whether I can fulfill them“? I just don’t know πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. Is it really that difficult to understand πŸ€”? And why can’t you just express your wishes when you seem to have specific ones πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ?

And it’s also stated on my website that I don’t send face photos. You might not believe it, but in fact there is not a single photo of me to be found on the entire Internet apart from escorting, as I value privacy extremely and therefore I do not have a single social media account on which I present myself. Yes, I know, it is very rare nowadays when almost everyone thinks they have to show off their private life and photos are no longer just a nice souvenir for themselves and their loved ones, but want to be shared with the whole world πŸ™„. I can remember when I was visiting friends several years ago and suddenly they wanted to take photos for Facebook when we were sitting together. I immediately stood up, walked to the other side of the room and let the others take their photos. And if I place such great value on privacy as a private person, I will certainly not send any photos showing my face as an escort, because I cannot even know whether these will be forwarded to someone else or where they will end up at some point πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ! Nobody has to book me if they want a face photo in advance, because there are still enough other women to choose from, but the decision of what to send and what not to send is still up to me.

I then replied nicely to the gentleman (especially in this day and age I really don’t feel like arguing, I just want harmony πŸ€—) that it’s absolutely okay for me if he doesn’t want to meet and that an email-exchange is also there to find out wheter it’s a good fit for BOTH parties involved and finally I wished him a great date with another lady.

From time to time I also realize during an email exchange that it doesn’t suit me after all, and of course also every gentlemen has the right for this decision. I’m certainly not angry with anyone, because it should be a nice date for both parties, especially of course for the paying one!

Despite my polite email it went further and he wrote, among other things: “Your answer can be seen as a declaration of bankruptcy for the alleged services that you offer. You pretend to be offering some pleasures that you cannot / do not want to specify. The Delphi Oracle often had clearer statements. Escort service is not a dating agency or date site.

I really can not explain why it is a “bankruptcy declaration” for my services to write “You are very welcome to tell me your wishes and I will then tell you whether I can fulfill them“. What would such a gentleman like to read? A list with terms like “fucking, licking, blowjob, 69”? It is really a mystery to me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. And sorry, but before I answer with such terms, I’d rather go to the monastery and renounce sex 🀣.

And the fact that escort service is not a dating agency benefits me as a very happy single 😁. That’s exactly why I’m an escort and not a member of dating site looking for a partner! No idea why this gentleman thinks I would see it as a “dating agency”. Because I value mutual sympathy, maybe πŸ€”? Is this not allowed on an escort date πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ?

I then wrote to the gentleman:

I don’t understand where your problem is. You noticed in the email exchange that it’s not a good fit for you. That’s absolutely okay. It happens to me every now and then and I then just politely write to the gentleman “unfortunately it doesn’t suit me, but I wish you a great date with another lady”. As a customer, of course, you don’t have to explain anything to me, you don’t need to send me an answer and the matter is done.

Usually the gentlemen tell me their wishes (if these are not already answered on my website anyway) and I then honestly tell them whether I can fulfill these wishes. I actually never had to write any “lists”, since every gentleman knows what he wants and he can then simply ask me. I also wrote to you that you are very welcome to tell me your wishes and I will then tell you whether I can fulfill them. I think this is the easiest way for clients too, since they know best what they want.

I also don’t limit eroticism and sex to “kissing, fucking, licking, sucking”, because this would seem very simplified to me in regards of the multifaceted human sexuality and would simply not do it justice. As you can also read on my website, I also have a weakness for dominant/submissive adventures and role play, whereby I even describe a number of role-play scenarios in great detail and sexually explicitly on the blog of my website, which you can read exactly here: If you had written to me, for example, that you would like to do a role play, I would have asked more specifically about your wishes and asked you whether you are interested in a scenario from my blog or whether you have something else in mind. If you had written to me that you are interested in a dominant/submissive adventure, I would have asked you to tell me your preferences and taboos so that I can specifically address them. Nobody has ever felt the need to ask more about the “girlfriend experience”, as this is very clear and you can read about my taboos on my website. Here the gentlemen usually only announce their clothing wishes, such as sexy lingerie, but these are a matter of course for me anyway.

If all of this was not enough for you, you would also have been able to read 45 testimonials about dates with me on A few excerpts from these reports can be found on my homepage.

And now I want to finally wish you a great date once again! You certainly don’t want to spend your precious time e-mailing me, but rather look forward to a nice date, because especially in times like these nice thoughts and experiences are essential!

And now I would like to talk about the topic of “service”, which this gentleman had also addressed. I do not regard sex as a “service”, but as MUTUAL PLEASURE. Some men may see this differently, but I would ask those to definitely not book me, because not only is my time too precious for that, also sex itself would be far too precious for me to experience it in such a way πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ.

Of course, you can express your preferences/wishes prior to a date and ask whether these correspond to the preferences of the other. It is absolutely clear that nobody wants to pay money for a date during which they cannot live out their desires! That’s why every gentleman can tell me his preferences/wishes and I then answer honestly whether these also correspond to mine and whether I can fulfill them.

Does one really want to meet a woman who simply “works through” a catalog of services or does one want to meet a woman whose preferences match their own? Would one like to meet a woman who is reluctant to do something or a woman who does it with passion? What kind of sex is that supposed to be that is not based on mutual pleasure πŸ€”? I would rather recommend buying a high-quality sex doll, that would be more suitable and cheaper in the long run.

Now of course one could say “but if sex is not a service for you, what am I actually paying for”?

Reliability and punctuality
If I have arranged a date, I only cancel it if there is a valid reason for it (e.g. illness such as a strong cold) and if this is the case, I will let the gentleman know as soon as possible. I’m always very punctual and if I’m 5 minutes late due to a tram delay, I inform the gentleman immediately and apologize for it. For me, professionalism means, among other things, being reliable and punctual.

External appearance
I take much time to get ready for a date, put on subtle make-up and wear nice dresses. It is immensely important to me that the gentleman can enjoy my external appearance and of course I am always very well-groomed (I even wash my hair right before every date). I also respond to clothing requests, if I can, so I also for example buy certain stockings that the gentleman wants (e.g. in a color other than black), certain tights if the gentleman has a fetish in this regard, etc.. Due to my height, I never wear high heels in private, but I take them with me on a date if the gentleman wants me to. At a private meeting, I would probably not invest 2 hours in preparation time and I would not buy anything extra just because someone likes something.

Personal condition
Not everyone is in a good mood every day and everyone can also have a bad day from time to time. For me it’s the same. There are days when I had slept badly at night and then I’m just tired (I’m sure everyone can relate). There are days when I am very angry about something and am therefore in a bad mood (I’m sure everyone can relate). However, as soon as I have arrived on a date and meet the gentleman, I always greet him with a radiant smile and IMMEDIATELY forget any fatigue or bad mood and I am 100% “present” on the date in the best mood and with plenty of enthusiasm. I would never complain about anything (okay, sometimes briefly about the heat in summer, but last summer I was in the Upper Engadine for 2 months anyway at 1,800 meters above sea level and at pleasant temperatures ☺️), but I always want the gentleman to have a great time and give my best to make this happen.

Verbal interaction
In a conversation, I focus on the interests of the gentleman I am with and talk to him about the things he would like to talk about. Even if something is absolutely not one of my areas of interest, I still take an active part in the conversation, show interest, ask questions, etc. In my private life I would block such a conversation at some point or change the subject. At an escort date, however, I want the gentleman not only to feel very comfortable, but also to be able to talk about the things he wants to talk about and I want to be an interested conversation partner for him.

Personal (visual) preferences
Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to their sexual partners. Some men like short women, others tall women, some very slim women, others full-figured ones, some very young women, others older ones, some like women with a light hair color, others with a darker hair color etc. etc .. Women also have, of course, certain preferences when it comes to men and a woman does not find every man equally appealing and attractive. During an escort date, of course, every man deserves to be treated equally and an escort lady should not treat a client better just because he corresponds to her private type of man. No matter whether a man is 30 or 60 years old, no matter whether he is slim or massively overweight, no matter whether he is short or tall – a gentleman will never get the feeling from me that he is not “my type”. And I’ll say it straight away: When someone can use his tongue well, when his head is between my legs and his tongue gives me one or more orgasms, or when I am allowed to experience a great role play with someone or an exciting dominant/submissive adventure or other erotic delights, it really doesn’t matter to me at such moments whether or not I would turn my head for this man on the streets πŸ˜‰.

Simplicity and ease
Usually an erotic date doesn’t take place after just a short email exchange with an unknown woman. It is especially difficult for men who are only looking for a short, exciting adventure without obligations, especially if the woman is supposed to appeal to them visually as well. There may be men who just have to sign up for Tinder and can have sex with anyone they find attractive right away on the first date, but this is more of an exception. In most cases, women demand a few meetings in public first and even then it is by no means certain whether there will be an erotic get-together at some point. Furthermore, of course, many women also have precise ideas about the looks and age of men, especially when it comes to an erotic adventure. Another option would be that of an affair/lover, but not every man has the time for that and the lovers do not grow like apples on the trees that you just have to pick πŸ˜‹. And also for people who have more unusual erotic fantasies, it is not always easy to find someone suitable. Many also do not dare to speak about their fantasies for fear of rejection and especially before or on the first date you will probably not unpack the BDSM box or the like right away 🀣. Escort service, on the other hand, is a very uncomplicated way to enjoy an erotic date with a woman you find visually appealing and to live out (extraordinary) fantasies together. Okay, for some men this path is too difficult as well, because there are “demanding” women like me who expect at least a nice short email exchange and who also value mutual sympathy, but most men manage this extremely well 😘.

These are the services that I provide as an escort. Sex is not one of them, because for me it is a mutual pleasure and not a one-sided service. And someone who just wants a live sex doll because he is too lazy to pleasure himself, is not someone I would like to meet πŸ˜‰.

Yours, Ava πŸ’‹

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