Hello my dear gentlemen,

I packed my tripod again and did a photo shoot. The new pictures are already online on the gallery page and I hope you like them ☺️. Since I always take the photos just by myself with a cell phone and tripod, they obviously don’t come close to professional photos because I’m a bit limited with the poses etc. with a tripod.

Of course, I’m also often asked when I’m finally moving to Zurich and I’m a little embarrassed by the fact that I’m pushing the move further and further back, but I’d like to complete a property sale here first (no offers please, I already have a real estate agent) and the situation is currently not exactly positive for sellers.

Since I’m not in a hurry to move, I won’t let myself get stressed out, I’ll just wait and see. So I can’t give a specific date for the move yet and – in retrospect – I shouldn’t have announced it so early on my website 😳. Let’s see whether it will actually happen in 2024, it’s not up to me, it’s up to the real estate market πŸ˜….

By the way, like every year, I will of course be available for dates during the Christmas holidays, as I am not celebrating the birth of a cult leader πŸ˜‰. I’d rather hold erotic celebrations 😍.

Yours, Ava πŸ’‹

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