Hello my dear gentlemen,

I’m going to the beautiful Swiss Engadin for my yearly summer stay in a few days and I’ll be available for dates in Vienna again from September 22nd. I will answer my emails again around September 10th, so that the dates in Vienna can be fixed in time 😘. Since my Austrian cell phone number is not active in Switzerland, I also ask the gentlemen who already have my cell phone number to make a date arrangement by email, if contacted before September 21st.

At this point I would also like to ask you to fix a date as far in advance as possible to avoid disappointment. It happens again and again that gentlemen constantly inquire at very short notice and are then disappointed when I don’t have time or even think I don’t want to meet them at all. I don’t go on more than one date a day and this also not every day, because I also have other things to do and don’t want to “squeeze a date in between“ (okay, I also just don’t like stress at all, I’ll admit it 😉🤣).

Some gentlemen have already asked when my move to Switzerland will take place next year. Unfortunately, I don’t know this myself, I can only name the year 2023 🤷‍♀️. I would like to have everything taken care of in Vienna first and I am also dependent on external factors in this respect. So I really can’t say whether I’ll be moving in the spring or in the winter of 2023, I can only name the year.

I wish you a wonderful summer and I’m really looking forward to great dates in autumn 🥰!

Yours, Ava 💋

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